About Ringobit
Ringobit is rotating, eco-friendly product that contains circles, numbers and mathematical operations, intended to master the initial arithmetic skills.Ringobit is also a game, very unique and fun way to learn math.
Not just an educational tool
Ringobit is an educational tool for studying the basic mathematical operations by children with disabilities, children who encounter difficulties in the studying process or small pre- school children. Ringobit lowers the cognitive difficulties connected with the process of studying mathematics and it helps in the process of learning the basic calculating skills.
Ringobit is not only an educative tool, Ringobit is a game. And the game is a moving force for inciting the development of every child with disabilitie, including small children.The game is extremely important way of studying because through the game, children develop all aspects of their cognitive development: attention, memory, logical thinking and imagination.
The colors
The primary colors, red, blue and yellow are selected specifically for easier recognition and identification by the children.
3D form of the numbers
The 3D form allows them to touch the numbers, to feel them and memorize them more easily.Also the rotating and touching the numers stimulates the sensomotor development of the children
Ringobit way
Ringobit offers brand new concept of learning mathematics so when we say "Ringobit way" we mean learning with Ringobit. It is completely new, unique way of learning math by rotating the numbers to the right or left.